Sacred Songs in Contemporary Times
an astrological reading of the
Homeric Hymns

4 - Week Online Course, with or without live sessions
Book either with or without live sessions
Live Attendance
Eight 75-minute live sessions will be held on Tuesdays (USA/UK time zones) during September and October.
The times of the live sessions vary according to the location of the tutor. Before booking for this option, please scroll down to check the session information below.
Live and Self-Study Attendance
Course materials will be available until January 31, 2026.
Tutors: Brian Clark, Carole Taylor, Jason Holley and Safron Rossi

Let’s step back in time to when the ancients honoured their gods and goddesses through song and poetry; when epics, hymns and plays told tales of their birth and ancestry, portrayed their character, and illustrated their adventures. In this class, we return to ancient hands who compiled the extant 33 devotions that praised the Olympians and other immortals, known as The Homeric Hymns.
Timing and authorship of the hymns are uncertain. They were composed in the Homeric style by a variety of poets, mainly in the 7th and 6th Centuries BCE; some hymns are later, like the Hymn to Ares, which may be as late as the Hellenistic period.
These inspired the mythic narratives of later poets, playwrights and authors - and for contemporary astrologers who find a depth of meaning through mythic images.
In our classes we will focus on four of the thirty-three Homeric Hymns. The mythic lineages and stories of these deities are vital to our astrological tradition. The Hymns to Aphrodite, Apollo, Demeter and Hermes are the longest of the hymns and these will be our main focus. All four deities are archetypal presences that inhabit each horoscope; therefore, widening our mythological gaze ensouls our planetary pantheon.
Our engagement with the ancient hymns will focus and reflect on how these mythic images amplify a deeper appreciation of their presence in our lives. Carole, Brian, Jason and Safron will be your guides into the sacred sanctuary of each deity.

The Homeric Hymns
There are many different translations of the hymns, but one we recommend is translated by Jules Cashford (Penguin: 2003). This is in print and readily available from wherever you buy your books.​
​​Course Format
​The programme consists of eight pre-recorded video classes of about 45-50 minutes each, plus an additional video class introducing the Hymns. These are available to all who register for the course, along with access to the online discussion forum and any written materials.
Video 1: this will be an introduction to the Hymn in question and its mythic portrayal and amplification of the deity. We will focus on the part of the myth being narrated, placing the story in context of the times and what other myths were available then. This will help you to recognize different ideas that attach to the myth over time – the diachronic telling of the myth.
Video 2: this will explore how the mythic underpinning, cult and continuity of the deity shape and inform the astrological archetype. How does the depiction of the deity help develop astrological understanding and tradition, along with interrelationship issues with others? How do we weave our mythic images into astrological symbols?
You can also choose to participate in eight live discussion sessions (online via Zoom), led by the four tutors. These will be reflective, interactive and explorative, mythologically and astrologically. ​They are 75 minutes in length and will be recorded. Note: these live discussion sessions are limited to 18 people.
The recordings and materials will be available to you until 31 January, 2026.
Each tutor will lead two live sessions:
Exploration and Reflection 1
In this class, students will read a favourite, evocative or confronting passage from the hymn. Where appropriate, the class can respond and share their images and ideas of the passage in the wider context of the deity. We can also explore this deity in context of the reader’s life experience and horoscope.
Exploration and Reflection 2
Opening the space for reflection and discussion on how the mythic deity infuses a deeper engagement and understanding of the astrological archetype. As a group we will share our experiences with the archetypal and astrological deity.

Live Discussion Sessions
Live session size limited to 18 people
Downloadable Course PDF + International Time Conversions
The live sessions take place on Tuesdays at the times listed below. You can find your equivalent local time using a time zone converter, such as here.
If you are unsure of the conversion to your local time, please contact us.
1. September 9 – Jason Holley
Tuesday September 9th at 10am PDT (Los Angeles)
Tuesday September 9th at 11am MDT (Sante Fe)
Tuesday September 9th at 6pm BST (UK)
Wednesday September 10th at 3am AEST (Sydney/Melbourne)
2. September 16 – Jason Holley
Tuesday September 16th at 10am PDT (Los Angeles)
Tuesday September 16th at 11am MDT (Sante Fe)
Tuesday September 16th at 6pm BST (UK)
Wednesday September 17th at 3am AEST (Sydney/Melbourne)
3. September 23 – Carole Taylor
Tuesday September 23rd at 10am PDT (Los Angeles)
Tuesday September 23rd at 11am MDT (Sante Fe)
Tuesday September 23rd at 6pm BST (UK)
Wednesday September 24th at 3am AEST (Sydney/Melbourne)
4. September 30 – Carole Taylor
Tuesday September 30th at 10am PDT (Los Angeles)
Tuesday September 30th at 11am MDT (Sante Fe)
Tuesday September 30th at 6pm BST (UK)
Wednesday October 1st at 3am AEST (Sydney/Melbourne)
5. October 7 (October 8 AEDT) – Brian Clark
Tuesday October 7th at 2pm PDT (Los Angeles)
Tuesday October 7th at 3pm MDT (Sante Fe)
Tuesday October 7th at 10pm BST (UK)
Wednesday October 8th at 8am AEDT (Sydney/Melbourne)
6. October 14 (October 15 AEDT) – Brian Clark
Tuesday October 14th at 2pm PDT (Los Angeles)
Tuesday October 14th 3pm MDT (Sante Fe)
Tuesday October 14th at 10pm BST (UK)
Wednesday October 15th at 8am AEDT (Sydney/Melbourne)
7. October 21 – Safron Rossi
Tuesday October 21st at 12pm PDT (Los Angeles)
Tuesday October 21st at 1pm MDT (Sante Fe)
Tuesday October 21st at 8pm BST (UK)
Wednesday October 22nd at 6am AEDT (Sydney/Melbourne)
8. October 28 – Safron Rossi
Tuesday October 28th at 3pm PDT (Los Angeles)
Tuesday October 28th at 4pm MDT (Sante Fe)
Tuesday October 28th at 10pm GMT (UK)
Wednesday October 29th at 9am AEDT (Sydney/Melbourne)​​​
Fee options
The course is available to book with or without the eight live sessions.
With Live Sessions:
£295 - early bird (before July 31, 2025)
£330 – from August 1, 2025
Booking closes September 5, 2025
Without Live Sessions (pre-recorded classes only)
£170 - early bird (before July 31, 2025)
£190 – from August 1, 2025
Booking closes December 31, 2025