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The Gods of Place:

Inhabiting the Horoscope​

(A companion course to 'The Gods of Time' online course),


29 June - 27 July 2025,  with Brian Clark

Place is the first of all beings, since everything that exists is in a place and cannot exist without a place - Archytas


4 - Week Online Course, with or without live sessions

Live sessions suitable for UK/Europe/Asia/Australia/NZ time zones

Participants in Canada, USA and South America may wish to book without the live sessions, contributing to the conversations and asking questions via the online forum.


Live sessions take place on July 6, 13, 20 & 27 of 2025

Tutor: Brian Clark

Sacred places are ensouled by nature spirits that dwell there. In ancient Greece, the spirit of the divinity was embedded in certain landscapes. Demeter’s sacred sites were located near arable land, outside cities – as an agricultural goddess, her sanctuaries looked out upon the fertile terrain. Asclepius’s sanctuaries were placed in beautiful rural settings, near healing waters that supported and encouraged the curative process. Zeus’s abode was Olympus; Athena, the city; Hephaestus, the forge.


Gods and Archetypes are ecological by nature, situated on both the natural and psychic terrain. 


Ecology considers the relationship between life forms and their habitats – literally, a study of an organism’s natural habitat. As a psychological study, ecology could be characterized as the study of psychic places – how they are sustained, maintained and renewed. Astrology also deepens our relationship to the gods of place by highlighting natural psychic environs. The twelve houses, traditionally known as ‘places’, are symbols of the natural environment – physical and psychic landscapes of our lives. They speak to the settings, the scenes, the situations, and the habitats of our lives. Since planetary archetypes inhabit these regions, the metaphor of place opens and deepens ways of understanding places and aspects of the horoscope. 












This is the stoa and spring at Brauron, a place sacred to Artemis, goddess of nature and the wild. Artemis also presided over transitions in the life cycle and the protection of the young. Reflecting her transitional character and love of the wild, her holy places were often located in marginal regions, like swamps, or at junctions where boundaries between culture and nature were blurred, on the edge of cultivation.
Once one has seen her, one can never forget the glory and the serenity of the admirable face of the goddess on the Brauron reliefs who so wonderfully suits her landscape.
Lily Kahil, “Mythological Repertoire of Brauron”



The Course


In this four-part course, we encounter the spirits and the deities, the psychology and the poetics of place. We will explore the mysteries and ambiguities of mythic, psychic and astrological places through myth, symbol, archetype, technique, dream, memory and the unconscious. We will revisit the lived places, the fantasy places, and the soul places of our lives.


Ensouled places are historied, many-layered and storied and have presence and spirit. My intention is to encourage and inspire ways to enrich and ensoul our sense of place.



Course Format


Each class consists of a pre-recorded lecture of about 75 minutes, followed by a 60-minute live on-line discussion session held on Zoom. A reading list and suggestions for self-study will also be included with the course. The course is limited to 25 participants.


Each pre-recorded lecture will be made available one week in advance of the live discussion session. The live sessions will be recorded and the recordings will be available for you to rewatch in your own time. If you know you will miss a session, you are welcome to send in your questions ahead of it and then listen to the recording afterwards. 


You will retain access to all the recordings for 3 months from the end of the course.





Live Discussion Sessions

Live session size limited to 25 people 


Downloadable Course PDF + International Time Conversions 


The live sessions take place on Sundays at the times listed below.You can find your equivalent local time using a time zone converter, such as here.


If you are unsure of the conversion to your local time, please contact us.


Class 1 

Soul Place: Returning Home

An exploration into the power of place - how the soul responds to place through memory, senses and responses that deepen our engagement with the soul of place


Video class released: June 29 (75 minutes)


Live session - July 6 (60 min)

Australia: 7 - 8:00 pm AEST

UK:           10 - 11:00 am BST

Europe:    12 midday CET     


Class 2

Sacred Space: Placing the Archetypes

How do places become ensouled? In this class we explore what spirits and deities dwell in the natural landscape of certain places, and how we might be mindful of honouring the spirits of place


Video class released: 6 July (75 minutes)


Live session - July 13 (60 min)

Australia: 7 - 8:00 pm, AEST

UK:           10 - 11:00 am BST

Europe:    12 midday CET


Class 3

Sacred Dwellings: Habitats of the Horoscope

Having reflected deeply on the soul of place, we turn to how the places in our horoscope might be ensouled and inspirited. And how relocation to different places and environs introduce us to different gods and situations


Video class released: 13 July (75 minutes)


Live session - July 20 (60 min)

Australia: 7 - 8:00 pm, AEST

UK:           10 - 11:00 am BST

Europe:    12 midday CET


Class 4

Everywhere and Everywhen: The Symbiosis of Time and Place

Time and Place are intimately entwined in our experience and in our soul. The horoscope is founded on these two principles which we will amplify as powerful partners in the schema of life.


Video class released: 20 July (75 minutes)​


Live session -  July 27 (60 min)

Australia: 7 - 8:00 pm, AEST

UK:           10 - 11:00 am BST

Europe:    12 midday CET




The course is available with or without the four live sessions.


With Live Sessions:

£175 - early bird (before June 1, 2025)

£195 - after  June 1, 2025

Price includes course materials.
Booking closes July 5, 2025


Without Live Sessions

£105 - early bird (before June 1, 2025)

£125 - after June 1, 2025

Price includes course materials.

Booking closes October 1, 2025


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